An Analysis of the Local Resources Potential to Achieve Food Security in Jombang and Probolinggo Regencies East Java Indonesia


Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang, East Java, Indonesia


This study aims at analyzing the characteristics of the food need in the area of Jombang and Probolinggo regencies as well as developing a model of local superiority-based policy to achieve the food security. This study employs descriptive qualitative approach. This study is carried out in eight months in March to October 2015. The respondent of the study is the governmental staff of Jombang and Probolinggo regencies in the level of Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD, it is the name of a regional government office/Regional Working Unit) of the Agriculture Department and Bappeda of the regencies. The finding shows that the comparison between the need and supply of food in Probolinggo regency do not meet the independency as the commodities of soybean, meat, egg, and fish are limited, thus they are not sufficient to fulfill the need of the citizen in certain years. While in Jombang regency, the comparison between the need and supply of food is considered independent. It is only the soybean commodity which cannot fulfill the need of food, while other commodities (such as rice, corn, meat, egg, milk, and fish) are adequate. The implemented policy regarding to the fulfillment of the food supply to achieve the sustainable food security is to strengthen the food reserve, develop village barns, and do the food diversification.


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