Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

updated: 2024.06.22


Read the guidelines thoroughly. Papers will not be reviewed if they do not follow our submission guidelines.

All papers should be submitted to

Upon receipt of your paper, a confirmation email will be sent to you electronically.


 ** It is perfectly acceptable to submit two or more papers to IER Journal at the same time, but please remember that IER journal is allowed to publish just one of your accepted papers every year.

Therefore, if you have more than one accepted paper in IER Journal, they will be published next year(s).



Application Fee

A. For Iranian authors (even if one of the authors is Iranian):

These items were approved in the final session of the editorial board of the IER journal in April 2019:

1- A formal letter from an editorial center that approves the English writing of your manuscript should be submitted on the IER web page of your paper.

2- When submitting an article to the Iranian Economic Review (IER) journal, the submitting author must agree to pay the publication charge for the reviewing process. After acceptance, the article will enter the production cycle, and the author will be asked to pay the publication charge for the acceptance. When final formatting corrections are made, and the author approves their article for publication, payment of the publication charge must be received before the article will be published online.

After submitting each article: 2,000,000 Rial

After acceptance of each article: 4,000,000 Rial


B. For authors of other nationalities

 After submitting each article: 28€

After acceptance of each article: 55€


- Other nationalities do not need to submit a formal letter to approve the paper's English writing unless the reviewers ask for it.


Papers Format

1- All manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and should not exceed 22 pages. This limit includes reference lists, figures, and tables.

2-All figures and tables should have a title, number (1,2,3, ...), and a source.

3- All figures and tables should be in the main manuscript file and not be uploaded as separate files.

4- Please use 12- Times New Roman font for the paper's main text and 14-Times New Roman for the paper's title.

5- Margins should be 2.5 centimeters on the top, bottom, and sides. 

6- Two files should be submitted: 1) Manuscript, including title, abstract, and main text, but without authors' names, and 2) Title page, including title, abstract, names, and information of all authors.

The title page that you upload at the first time, can not be changed (the date of uploading shows the first title page).


* IER Journal will not accept adding new authors after acceptance; therefore, when you submit your paper for the first time, please be careful to write the names of all authors in the title page you uploaded and on the webpage account of corresponding author.



7- The file type of paper should be "manuscript main file (without the authors' name)"; for the manuscript, the title's file type should be "title page".

8- All papers must include an abstract (150-250 words) with Keywords (5 words/word group at least) and JEL Classification.

9- The Keywords should be ordered alphabetically.

10-To find JEL Classification, please use this link:

11- All letters of your paper's title, your name, or other parts in your article should not be capitalized. Only the first letter of each word should be capitalized.

For example: "Deficits and Inflation: An Open Economy Model of the United States"

12- Formulas should be typed in Microsoft Equation 3.0. Please do not use images for formulas.

13- The axes in diagrams, charts, and graphs should be titled in all pictures, and the resolution of details in all figures should be high.

14- All references should be translated into the English language.

15- APA standards should be used for the References format. Please use the examples of this link (exactly and in all details):

16- Please use the references of the recent seven years more than others to increase the likelihood of publication.

17-It is necessary to have your ORCID iD for publication; therefore, please add it to your profile on our webpage. Please use this link if you do not have an ORCID number, or you do not remember it:

*ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and distinguishes you from every other researcher.

18 - The whole paper should be 20 - 22 pages with all tables/figures/appendixes at most. (with the details about the margines and the number of font).


Some examples for References format (APA Standard):


- Please translate ALL references into the English language.

- Every word in the titles of books/articles/… should be capitalized; For example: Globalization and the Manufacturing Sector: A Study of Some Selected Textiles Firms in Nigeria

  • About articles, just the name and number of journals should be in italics.
  • The titles of books should be in italics.
  • All books should have the name and city of publication; or their available link.



1)  Articles with one author:

Aluko, M. (2004). Globalization and the Manufacturing Sector: A Study of Some Selected Textiles Firms in Nigeria. Journal of Social Science, 9(2), 122-127.

Aldemir, Ş. (2007). The Impacts of Exchange Rates on Import Prices in Turkish Economy: 1988- 2004. International Economic and Foreign Trade Policies, 1, 53-57.


2)  Articles with two authors:

Aluko, M. A., & Akinola, G. O. (2004). Globalization and the Manufacturing Sector: A Study of Some Selected Textiles Firms in Nigeria. Journal of Social Science, 9(2), 122-127.


Abizadeh, S., & Yousefi, M. (1998). Deficits and Inflation: An Open Economy Model of the United States. Applied Economics, 30, 107-316.


3)  Articles with more than two authors:

Aluko, M. A., Akinola, G. O., & Fatokun, S. (2004). Globalization and the Manufacturing Sector: A Study of Some Selected Textiles Firms in Nigeria. Journal of Social Science, 9(2), 122-127.


4)  If you don't have enough information about an article or a book …, please write the link after "Retrieved from". For discussion papers, working papers…, you should write the link too. Examples:


Carzonery, M., Cumby, R., & Diba, B. (1998). Is the Price Level Determined by the Need of Fiscal Solvency? NBER Working Paper, 6471, Retrieved from


Bhattacharya, R., Ila, P., & Ajay, Shah. (2011). Monetary Policy Transmission in an Emerging Market Setting. Working Paper, 11/5, Retrieved from


Endep(2016). In MIMS online. Retrieved February 2, 2016, from



5)  Books

Baltagi, B. H. (2008). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Hsiao, C. (2003). Analysis of Panel Data (2nd Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


6) Master's Thesis

Unpublished master's thesis:

Swinton, M. A. (1984).  Family Stress in Phenylketonuria (Unpublished Master's Thesis). University of Auckland, New Zealand.


Published master's thesis:

Swinton, M. A. (1984).  Family Stress in Phenylketonuria (Master's Thesis, University of Auckland, New Zealand). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.


7)  Doctoral Dissertation


Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation

Murray, B. P. (2008). Prior knowledge, two teaching approaches for metacognition: Main idea and summarization strategies in reading (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). Fordham University, New York.


Published Doctoral Dissertation

Murray, B. P. (2008). Prior knowledge, two teaching approaches for metacognition: Main idea and summarization strategies in reading (Doctoral Dissertation, Fordham University, New York). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.


McDonald, J. (2007). The Role of Online Discussion Forums in Supporting Learning in Higher Education (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Southern Queensland, Australia). Retrieved from


8)   Conferences

Hughes, H. (2002). Information Literacy with an International Focus. In K. Appleton, C. Macpherson, & D. Orr (Eds.), International Lifelong Learning Conference: Refereed papers from the 2nd International Lifelong Learning Conference (208-213). Rockhampton: Central Queensland University Press.


Asgharpur, H., Kohnehshahri, L. A., & Karami, A. (2007). The Relationships between Interest Rates and Inflation Changes: An Analysis of Long-Term Interest Rate Dynamics in Developing Countries. International Economic Conference on Trade and Industry (IECTI), Retrieved from


9)  Websites

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2011). Australia's Health in 2004. Retrieved from


If you have a writer on the website:

Allen, D. (2004). Dealing with your meeting notes. Retrieved from


10)     Online Databases of Dictionaries

Endep(2016). In MIMS online. Retrieved February 2, 2016, from


* If you have repetitive writers of books or articles…, please use ten space lines instead of the name of repetitive writers:

Hahn, E., Michele, C. Z., & Marcelo, S. (2007). Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Emerging Markets. ECB, Working Paper, 739, Retrieved from

---------- (2003). Pass-Through of External Shocks to Euro Area Inflation. ECB, Working Paper, 243, Retrieved from


How to submit your revised paper or change other information you registered before

Please enter your page (with your username and password),

Then open this link: "submission sent back to author",

Then click on the Manuscript ID of your paper, which is a link,

On the left of your page, click on "attach files" (line number 9),

Then you should fill in these three fields:

- file type

- file description

file name:

Please delete the last files you uploaded. (Click on the red trash basket at the end of its line); Don't worry; all of them remain in our archive on the website.

Then upload the final revised paper:

For "file type", please choose: manuscript main file (without authors' name)

For your explanation for reviewer(s), please select Response to reviewer as the file type.

Then upload your file by the "browse" button.

The file description is not necessary.

Then use the "next" button until you reach "submit Manuscript" on the last page; click on it, and you will finish uploading your revised paper.

  • You can change any other information in the different stages.
  • If not you are not the Corresponding Author, you cannot change any information or upload the final version.
  • The format of the final version should be Microsoft Word (not Pdf,…).
  • The name of Microsoft word's file of your paper should not be your name and family name.


 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email the executive manager (