Please see the Guide for Authors menu.
IER accepts Microsoft Word, and Excel files for graphics submission. High-resolution JPGs are acceptable for photos only. We encourage authors to submit colorful photos and graphics.
IER encourages authors to double verify the grammatical corrections before being submitted to the editorial office. Before assigning the submitted manuscript by the authors to the reviewers, editorial office ensures that manuscript with very poor English is not sent to reviewers. However, a paper with poor English and with the errors, the paper should be returned to the editor with the request that the authors have the material edited for content before re-submitting it for peer review.
Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript should notify the editor and excuse himself / herself from the review process. This should be done as soon as possible by return email.
Any claim that an observation, derivation or argument has been previously published should be accompanied by a relevant citation. A reviewer should call the editor's attention to any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge.
The final decision of whether to accept or reject a particular manuscript lies with the Editor-in-chief or assigning Editor. The editor will weigh both views and may call for a third opinion or ask the author for a revised paper before making a decision.
The IER is published four times a year.
Authors may submit an unlimited number of articles, provided that all submissions are compatible with "Guide for Authors"; although, each author can publish one paper each year.
The impact factor of IER Journal is 0.57 in 2023-01-25.
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